A long-distance relationship – how to take care of feelings when the mundane of everyday life creeps in

A long-distance relationship – how to take care of feelings when the mundane of everyday life creeps in
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Each stage of a relationship requires proper care and work on it. You cannot rest on your laurels even if you have already spent a lot of years together. What to do when the mundane of everyday life creeps into the relationship? How to effectively take care of the relationship? Here are a few important things you need to take care of

Why do we admire couples with long periods of marriage?

It is common for couples who have just married to look for role models around them. Sometimes they even ask older people about what they should do to live happily together. In practice, too, couples who have already spent many years together can experience a major crisis. Sometimes there are no other reasons for this than what we collectively and generally call “the mundane of everyday life”. Work, bills, daily chores, raising children and not having more time for yourself; these are the important components of this life’s drudgery. It is sometimes thought to be first experienced very strongly around the 7th to 8th year of a relationship. How to deal with these and subsequent problems?

Have an honest dialogue

No matter how many years you’ve been with your mate, it’s not a good sign if you give up on a daily dialogue based on honesty. Silences and misunderstandings build up to a situation where you trap yourself in lies and half-truths. Conversation in a relationship should be open to all important topics. It is not just talking, but above all the ability to listen carefully to the other person

Take care of anniversaries and important details

Forgetting wedding anniversaries, but also birthdays, anniversaries of getting to know each other and other small celebrations is also a big mistake. On the contrary: their lively and well-arranged celebration can recall in a wonderful way the well-spent and beautiful moments of the past. The setting is hugely important here: candles, dinner and romance is something that cannot be overstated

Argue constructively

It is not at all that marriage requires a certain amount of arguments. Of course, they happen unintentionally, but they must not turn into a normal state that is an everyday occurrence for two people. Even when a brawl has already erupted, one must try to resolve the problem on the basis of negotiation. It is important that the grudges are not set in stone. It is not even worth going to bed being offended one against the other

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Trust your partner

Long-term relationships need to be based on trust; theoretically, this should increase over the years, but even here there are moments of hesitation that need to be overcome. It is important to feel that both people are striving for the same goal, forming a harmonious team on the road to happiness in life.

Rekindle your feelings

You should try to rekindle your feelings even after many years in a relationship. It is important to continue to please your other half and be attractive to her. In the midst of everyday dullness you sometimes have to put away your casual outfits in favor of a feminine dress, stilettos and beautiful makeup, but also in favor of masculine elegance in a suit and tie. Of course, such outfits must be allowed to shine; preferably at dinner, going to the theater or at some other important occasion.

Spend your free time together doing new things

Fighting fatigue in a relationship can also involve seeking new experiences together. It can be traveling and exploring new places or cultures, but also finding a hobby together, which in addition to a pleasant time spent in the company of your loved one will give you a lot of fun. You can also let your imagination run wild and sign up for a joint dance course. It is important that it is something fully acceptable, interesting and enjoyable for both partners in the relationship. Without boredom, but also without unnecessary compulsion.

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