How to organize an outdoor engagement?

How to organize an outdoor engagement?
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When you’re sure you’ve found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and you know they share your feelings – it’s time to get engaged. It’s not as easy as you might think. You don’t just need a ring and one simple question. Not when you want the special day to stick in your loved one’s memory for a long time. Here are some tips on how to handle getting engaged – outdoors!

Plan the whole day

You need to take into account not only one short moment, when you ask your future beloved this key question. Don’t surprise her with a proposal just after she gets back from work, jogging or going to the gym. After a hard day, she’ll only dream of relaxation, and after physical activity, only a relaxing shower. Plan your proposal for a day when you both have free time and are relaxed. The thought of responsibilities piling up can spoil even the most beautiful moment!

Prepare the ring

A ring is first and foremost a symbol of devotion, love and commitment to the relationship, so it is the gesture itself that is most important, not the budget spent on buying jewelry. Pay attention to your chosen one’s preferences, discretely look through the contents of her jewelry box. If you still don’t know what jewelry would suit the future bride best, let’s take a look at the stones you have to choose from when you go to the jeweler to buy an engagement ring

White sapphire is an interesting alternative to the popular diamond. Although blue colored stones are the most popular, thanks to the wide choice of colors (yellow, white, green, pink) jewelers combine them in phenomenal and original compositions. And if a diamond, why not black? Engagement rings with such a stone look simply unearthly. No wonder, their composition resembles the composition of space dust! If you know that your date is not afraid of color, opt for a blood-red ruby.

Photo by Nathan Mullet/Unsplash

A bit of sentiment

It will be a good idea to refer in some way to special moments from your relationship. It could be going out to the place where you first met, having dinner at your favorite restaurant, or putting together a playlist of songs that are associated with fond memories. The one of your heart will appreciate it when the proposal is one of a kind and you actually remember where you first said “I love you” to each other

Prepare a Plan B

You never know, however, if it’s going to rain, your restaurant table reservation is going to be canceled, or your favorite spot in the park is going to be taken up by other people. Prepare a backup plan and don’t let unfavorable circumstances spoil your special moment. If an unforeseen situation actually happens, approach it with humor! Don’t let unimportant details ruin your mood; this is a moment where you are the most important. In a few years a sudden downpour will be only a funny anecdote, and if you approach failures with negative energy, you will certainly not remember this day well.

What kind of venue to choose?

There are many possibilities. The most important thing is to choose the right place according to your interests and preferences. Here are just a few ideas that you should organize in your own way!

Love on a glade

Although a picnic is a classic of the genre, it doesn’t mean that the idea is a cliché and not worth deciding on. There’s a reason it’s so popular. Take fruit, fresh bread, cheese and wine with you and treat your date to a luxurious outdoor date. Surprise your partner with an unusual drink, like the ones from local Lublin vineyards: Or maybe you can ask a friend for help? Coming across a pre-prepared blanket and picnic basket while walking will be an unusual surprise and a good introduction to the official part of the proposal.

Love on the trail

If you’re both fans of outdoor activities, how about proposing at a breathtaking scenic spot? Don’t opt for a difficult trail that you’ll only think about resting after. Easier trails won’t make you end up sated, and will also guarantee unforgettable views. It will be a good idea to take with you a small bottle of prosecco or a speaker on which you will play your favorite music.

Love in the clouds

Proposing over a thousand meters above the ground? Why not? Getting engaged in a balloon is an idea for couples who look for adrenaline in their life. Flying in the clouds is an amazing experience, and when you add an engagement ring and a bouquet of flowers you’ll have an unforgettable moment to tell your grandchildren about.

Photo by Andre Jackson/Pexels

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