7 behaviors to avoid while in a relationship

7 behaviors to avoid while in a relationship
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In relationships with women, men very often make similar mistakes. Although the following list is not exhaustive, it will certainly help you understand what to avoid in a relationship with a short and long relationship.

Don’t ban anything

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in a relationship – a woman is not your property and you don’t have the right to forbid her from doing anything, such as hanging out with her girlfriends, wearing hollowed-out clothes, painting her lips heavily or talking to other men. This violates a woman’s personal boundaries. If one partner doesn’t like something, discuss it in a frank conversation and come to an agreement that satisfies both parties, rather than starting a brawl for any reason.

Don’t impose yourself

Yes, a woman likes it when a man takes the initiative, but if this initiative turns into intrusive proposals – she begins to dream of getting free from the intruder as soon as possible. You should call and write your partner, asking how she is doing, but do not stalk her at every turn. Both partners have the right to their own lives.

Don’t rush things

We are talking not only about sex, but also about relationships as such. Men like to speed things up, but the vast majority of women don’t like urging. Especially on the part of men. And yes, as sad as it sounds, most men only pursue one thing. Meanwhile, no self-respecting woman will jump into bed with a guy on the very first date.

Don’t treat a woman instrumentally

Men must not forget that they do not have the right to demand any activities from a woman, such as sitting with a child, cooking dinner or cleaning the apartment. There is still such a stereotype in society that a woman should be the caretaker of the household hearth. According to this notion, she is the one who keeps the house clean and tidy, while the man goes to work, earns money and occasionally fixes something in the apartment. Meanwhile, the world is moving forward and everyone regardless of gender can take care of what they want.

Don’t complain

This point does not apply only to men. No one a priori likes malcontents and complainers. Many women are even afraid of men who constantly talk about their problems and do nothing about them. Nota bene, there is a rather fine line between complaining and sharing one’s problems. A person who constantly complains and doesn’t want to do anything, slipping through life, is a mere malcontent. A man who shares his experiences simply needs support.

Don’t underestimate a woman’s efforts

It’s not just about those moments when a woman takes care of her man. Often men do not appreciate, for example, a delicious dinner that a woman has prepared especially for them. Such behavior should be valued. It is also worth enjoying the successes of a partner, praising and surrounding her with admiration, for the reason that this is a kind of support, and this is what every man needs.

Don’t look at other women

It would seem obvious, and yet many men cast their nets on several women, hoping that maybe one will “catch on.” Such a course of action is doomed to failure, because the man gets himself a bad reputation. Besides, the truth always comes out. It’s no good being an alpha male and thinking that the more women you’ve gotten, the better. It just doesn’t work that way.

main photo: unsplash.com/Priscilla Du Preez

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