6 sports ideal for everyone

6 sports ideal for everyone
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There are many types of sports and each has its pros and cons. The ideal sport should improve our well-being and health. It should also give pleasure, not be an unpleasant chore. Here is a list of 6 sports activities that seem to meet the above requirements.

Nordic walking

The popularity of Nordic walking should come as no surprise. The sport combines aerobic training, which increases oxygen saturation levels in all vital muscles and organs, leg and arm strength training, and cardio training, which strengthens the heart muscle. Pushing off with sticks reduces stress on the spine and joints, so doctors recommend this type of sport to people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and respiratory system, as well as the elderly and those for whom excessive physical exertion is contraindicated.


Yoga classes increase body flexibility and correct posture. Regular practice of yoga provides everyone with many benefits: it increases energy levels, balance, muscle strength and endurance, improves concentration and accelerates recovery. In fact, the list of benefits of regular yoga practice is much longer. Clinical studies have shown that yoga strengthens the immune system, restores hormonal balance and is an excellent tool in the fight against stress. What more do you need to convince you to practice it?


Roller skating engages 90% of the body’s muscles to work, which brings unheard-of health benefits. Roller skating actively works the lower part of the body: calves, thigh muscles and hips. In practice, such muscle work will increase your fitness and slenderize your body, sculpt your legs and buttocks. Roller skating comprehensively develops our health, puts us in a good mood, strengthens the musculoskeletal apparatus and the cardiovascular system. By rollerblading, you intensively oxygenate your body and burn calories, which, with a sedentary lifestyle, will be good for everyone!


A scooter strengthens the muscles of your legs (especially if you don’t forget to change them), back, shoulders and spine. It’s also a great way to cover smaller and medium distances, avoid traffic jams and thus stress. The scooter doesn’t need a lot of storage space, let alone parking, and is fashionable, stylish and affordable. Finally, the scooter will instill in you the spirit of carefree and adventurous, which seems to have passed away irretrievably and remains in childhood.


Swimming has long been recognized as an ideal type of sport: it provides the same benefits as aerobic training, while not stressing the joints. Swimming develops all the muscles of the body and increases bone mass. Regular water activities keep the body flexible and even reduce inflammation in the body. What else. Swimming is an excellent way to burn calories and increase lung capacity. It’s also a reliable way to reduce tension and fight depression. 


Tai-chi is a traditional Chinese martial art that consists of fluid movements that resemble a slow dance. In addition to movement, an important part of the practice is breath control and concentration on body alignment and state of mind. All together, the class becomes something akin to meditation in motion. The workout is devoid of sudden, jerky movements and positions that put stress on the joints, which is why it is often recommended for the elderly, as well as for patients after injuries and in recovery.

main photo: unsplash.com/Joppe Spaa

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