How to guide your career?

How to guide your career?
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You go to work, do your chores, come home and wonder where it’s all going. Looking for answers to what you can do to take your career to the next level? You need to take responsibility for your professional life. Check out some ways to effectively manage your career!


There are many psychometric self-assessment tools, such as Mayers-Briggs, that you can use to better understand your mindset and preferences. Check the results, but take them with a grain of salt. Don’t believe everything you read, but be sure to take them into account

360 degree assessment

After conducting a self-assessment, it’s good to see how others perceive you. The 360-degree assessment system comes to the rescue here. You may be sending the wrong signals without even realizing it. By conducting a 360-degree assessment, you will find your weaknesses. By working on them, you will effectively guide your career.

Develop a long-term plan for your career aspirations

While we can’t control or predict future life events, circumstances, or work environment, it’s a good idea to develop a career plan. Don’t develop it by considering only salary. Instead, focus on your career goals. Think about what will give you a sense of fulfillment. Explore your strengths, needs, interests, and aspirations to make your plan a reality.

Set short-term goals

Once you have identified a long-term goal, break it down into short-term actions. As you plan them, identify potential areas for growth. You may want to enroll in a course, training, or workshop. Pay attention to professional development programs. Consider working with a trusted mentor or advisor. As you seek career and development feedback, treat it as a gift and make necessary changes. Celebrate every success to keep your motivation up

SWPS University Psyche Zone – To love work, you have to love life – Piotr Voelkel

Don’t avoid opportunities where you can prove yourself

There may be times when you have to decide whether to volunteer for a difficult task or take a job in a new department. While these situations involve risk, you determine if you are willing to take it in order to move your career forward. Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to take risks. By not stepping out of your comfort zone, you may not achieve your career aspirations. Show your boss that you are capable of handling your new responsibilities

Talk to your boss and coworkers

Initiate a conversation with your supervisor. Talk to him about where you are headed and what you want to do. Ask him to outline your strengths and weaknesses. Ask in which areas you can grow to increase your chances for promotion. Take appropriate action. Ask for feedback as you work toward that goal.

Don’t leave your job for trivial reasons

Sometimes people change jobs because they get upset about some trivial thing. However, it could be that you don’t feel appreciated or that you lack support in difficult situations. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to talk to someone experienced. Make an appointment with a mentor or business coach. This way, you won’t act under the influence of strong emotions.

Avoid changing jobs that will only give you short-term benefits. In the short term, you can easily be tempted by an attractive salary. Focus on your mission. Test your new job for growth opportunities, not just financial considerations. On the other hand, don’t stay in a job too long. This is because there is a risk that you will stop growing. When directing your career, try to strike a balance

Wondering if it’s time to change jobs? If so, answer some questions for yourself. Do you still feel excited performing your duties? Are you learning new things? Has task accomplishment started to bore you? If you dream of a rewarding career and not just a series of assignments, you need to take control

Think about networking

Network with professionals in different places. Don’t limit yourself to just work. Attend networking events. Attend trainings and workshops. If you want, sign up for a professional organization. That way, you’ll meet people who can help you advance your career.

Photo Pixabay

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