Where do I start my job search?

Where do I start my job search?
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Thinking about changing your job? It is a good idea to prepare well for it. You need to approach this issue in the right way. Pursuing your goal, changing your life for the better and building a career takes time and self-denial. Where to start looking for a job? In this article, we have compiled some practical tips

Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses

Start by writing down in two columns the qualities that can be particularly useful in a specific job. This list of useful skills and talents will help you when writing your CV. All that remains is to select the relevant points from the list of strengths that match the requirements of your potential employer. Then create a good cover letter and go for an interview. A list of your own skills and qualities also helps you to better define your needs and choose your career path. With a list of your skills and qualities, you will be able to assess yourself more easily.

Make sure your CV is up to date

Take your CV seriously. Include all your previous jobs, useful skills and knowledge, and details of any training or courses you have completed. Pay more attention to those qualities that may be of interest to a potential employer. To do this, carefully read the job description and requirements for candidates

Inform family and friends about your intention to change jobs

Communication with other people can sometimes work wonders. Sometimes you can find a good job in a matter of days. Talking to close friends and family members will give you a chance to find out about jobs that have not yet been posted online.

Analyse the job market thoroughly

Before you start looking for a new job, do your research and find out what kind of salary a person with your experience and skills can expect. You can use information found on the Internet, consult with professionals and carefully study forums. It is important that you are able to correctly assess the current state of the job market. Learn not to overestimate your abilities or underestimate your achievements!

Pracuj.pl – How to prepare yourself to look for a job?

Be persistent in your search and pursuit of your goals

No matter how good you feel you are at applying for a job, you need to prepare yourself for the possibility of rejection. Not all of the emails you send will get a positive response. This is perfectly normal and should not discourage you. Don’t stop in your efforts to get your dream job. And if you feel that you don’t have enough skills for your dream position, remember that it’s never too late to retrain. Serious companies pay special attention to people who are ready to change for the better and improve their skills.

Where to look for a job?

You can look for a job in many places. These can be:

  • recruitment agencies,
  • social networking sites,
  • online job portals,
  • employment offices,
  • job fairs.

Some companies do not publish job offers on online portals. So if you are interested in working for a particular company or know exactly what you would like to do, visit the websites of individual companies and take a peek at the “Careers” or “Job Opportunities” sections. There you can expect interesting offers.

Is it possible to find a job without a CV?

It all depends on the position you intend to apply for. If you are a highly qualified specialist, lawyer, accountant or engineer, you should rather be able to boast of a professional “business card”. If you are a journalist, copywriter, designer or programmer, it would additionally be useful to present your portfolio. Those with a professional specialization should also not give up on creating an elegant CV. To sum up: preparing a CV may be time-consuming, but it will definitely pay off. It is not worth giving it up

Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters/Unsplash

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