What for a stag party? Organization of an unforgettable stag party

What for a stag party? Organization of an unforgettable stag party
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A bachelor party is a fantastic event, which is a symbolic farewell to the current form of single life. Invited to it are trusted friends, family members and work colleagues of the future groom. The party often has the character of a surprise, which is prepared by invited people in mutual agreement. How and where to organize an unforgettable bachelor party, on which both guests and the future husband will have a great time? We suggest which directions will prove to be the right decision!

Bachelor party bust-up, or which places to avoid?

Just a dozen or so years ago bachelor parties were associated primarily with going to a disco and go-go clubs. The company of women and alcohol flowing in streams were seen as good fun. However, there was a problem when too much alcohol was drunk and money disappeared from the account at an alarming rate. In addition, the company of strange women working in the clubs gave rise to many arguments between future spouses. The result of such a party was often not only an alcohol hangover, but also a moral one, and the promising fun ended disastrously. Fortunately, the perception of a bachelor party as “the last night to go wild” has changed. Current bachelor party attendees are looking for fantastic entertainment in a much less controversial nature.

Healthy competition between participants

Men by nature enjoy competing with each other in a friendly, social atmosphere laced with humorous banter. No wonder that the choice of men very often become places that allow you to test your strength. The themes of bachelor parties are different – racing, shooting, survival, soccer, and even extreme sports. One of the most versatile ideas is to go to a karting hall, where the participants of the fun will compete in a race of go-karts. Bachelor party can also be successfully organized in a virtual reality center, where in multiplayer mode we will experience an amazing VR adventure. An interesting proposal is also bubble football, which is a football clash with a variety in the form of an inflatable ball worn on the sports outfit.

Motorized bachelor party

Not many people can afford to own an exclusive Ferrari, a sporty McLaren or a prestigious Lamborghini. However, this does not change the fact that you can successfully sit behind the wheel of such a machine – and on the race track! Driving sports cars of your dreams is a great idea to test your skills, and at the same time fulfill the dream of driving iconic car models. Of course, everyone has different tastes in cars, so an interesting option is the so-called ride versus. This consists in the fact that the participant, instead of driving 3 laps with one vehicle, will drive 1 lap with 3 different cars! The choice is really wide – from the iconic Ford Mustang to the unusual KTM X-Bow.

A great alternative to driving on the track is Off-road driving through muddy wilderness. A wide range of such attractions is available at go-racing.pl: https://go-racing.pl/jazda/10119-jazda-off-road-4×4.html

Bachelor party hit the bull’s eye

At the very end we have left a classic of the genre in the form of a paintball game. Participants divided into two teams will be able to check themselves in various scenarios of the game. Team deathmatch, conquering the quarters, VIP protection, cargo transport – there are really many ideas. Organizers very often prepare refreshments from the bonfire or grill after the game. An alternative to paintball is laser tag – markers are turned into replicas of weapons, and colored balls into light beams and sensors. Thanks to this we do not have to worry about bad weather or seasonality of the attraction: laser tag is available all year round. If we prefer shooting at a fixed target and sharp ammunition, then a voucher for a shooting range is at our disposal. There we will find a variety of weapons: from modern pistols to World War II rifles.

Unusual activities – a bachelor party full of surprises!

If we know that the future groom belongs to the people who are really hard to surprise, it is worth reaching for something special. Such activities as paintball, go-carts or a ride in a sports car he can expect to some extent, but the following attractions he certainly will not predict. The first surprise can be a ride in a tank, howitzer, tracked amphibian or a combat vehicle on a military training ground. Another – a trip on a water banana slide pulled at high speed by a special boat. A contrast to the above emotions and experiences will be a quiet bachelor party spent in the spa on relaxing massages and body care. Regardless of the chosen idea – it is worth to make sure that the bachelor party will be warmly remembered by each participant of the event!

Photos: materials from the client

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