Professional burnout – how to deal with it?

Professional burnout – how to deal with it?
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Professional burnout should be seen as a process that develops slowly and occurs in stages. Often, after getting past the first symptoms involuntarily, we no longer have the strength or motivation to continue working. Every activity is difficult and does not bode well for success. How to deal with professional burnout?

What is professional burnout?

According to the definition adopted by Christine Maslach from the University of Berkeley, professional burnout consists of three factors and is their combination: exhaustion, cynicism and ineffectiveness. The order is not random in this case. It starts with being involved in stressful situations and problems at work for a long time. The fatigue is both physical and mental and translates into a lack of desire to continue working. Another element is the build-up of a cynical approach to doing work and a loss of enthusiasm. Finally, there is a weakening of already acquired abilities and skills.

How big a social problem is job burnout?

According to a Gallup study, up to 23% of employees often feel burnout in their work life, where 44% feel it sometimes. Harvard Business Review, on the other hand, reports that one in five employees is at risk for long-term job burnout. As a result, their quality of life can deteriorate not only in the workplace and during their work, but also in their life outside of work

Management Zone at SWPS University – Professional Burnout – How to deal with it, Mateusz Banaszkiewicz

How to deal with burnout? The need to get away from problems

Rest and relaxation is a powerful weapon in the fight against burnout. First of all, you should get a good night’s sleep, which is a prelude to staying healthy and regenerating properly. You can not take your work home with you and live it 24 hours a day. In the event that your work does not run exclusively outside the home, you should try to distribute your duties during the day in such a way that all tasks are completed on time. Let your home be a place of rest and let it not be associated with passing deadlines.

Take a few days off

When you clearly feel that you are suffering from burnout, you should take some time off. Two or three days of break are often enough to recharge our batteries and put everything in order. Sometimes the best solution is to go on a trip with friends, but if we can’t or don’t want to organize it, we can also go somewhere by ourselves to unwind.

Hobbies can help with burnout

Some people find themselves living only for work, not because work tasks take up a lot of time. The reason is the lack of interesting hobbies that would be able to fill the void in the schedule after work. Hobby helps to take your mind off work, relax and focus on what interests you and makes you happy. Let’s remember that it doesn’t have to be an expensive hobby requiring huge commitment and financial outlays. The point is to keep your attention in an enjoyable way

Ask your supervisor or a colleague for advice

The problems you may be experiencing in your relationship related to burnout can be quite serious. Seek advice from colleagues who have been through similar crises. Talking to them can be a treasure trove of knowledge on how to cope with such difficulties. Additionally, your supervisor may help you to divide your duties and plan tasks in a different way, thanks to which you will be able to break out of the monotony

Take up sport

Practicing sports can also help in the fight against burnout. Not only will it be good for your physical health, but it will also oxygenate your brain. It is not about some heavy and demanding disciplines. Just walking a little faster every day can have a beneficial effect.

Get help from a coach, trainer or specialist

Life coaching or stress management classes are other suggestions that can be implemented in order to cope with the strain of work tasks. Keep in mind, however, that job burnout can be the beginning of long-term psychological problems. In a situation where you have tried at least some of the above-mentioned tips and there is no positive result, you should visit a psychologist or a psychotherapist. Their help may be necessary; don’t underestimate mental health problems

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

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