ABS training – what does it mean?

ABS training – what does it mean?
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Among the huge number of training programs for individual muscle parts stands out ABS – a workout that helps to get rid of tummy and develop abdominal muscles. Check it out and learn the set of exercises!

ABS training – what is it?

ABS is an abbreviation from English, which develops as Abdominal Back Spine. It is a strength training that aims to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The workout, as the name suggests, also affects the back muscles, which together with the abdominal press stabilize the torso. ABS training is therefore not only helpful in obtaining the desired abdominal sculpture, but also affects the condition of the spine and posture.

ABS training is a set of exercises that help develop the muscles of the abdomen, back, hips and buttocks. The workout includes exercises to stabilize the spine and develop the flexibility of ligaments. All exercises also activate the process of burning stored fat, correct posture, and eliminate pain in the thoracic and lumbar spine.

The main principle of ABS training is the systematic change of types of exercises. A skillfully designed set will allow you to achieve the desired effects in a short time. For example, training can consist of three types of exercises. The first focuses on the upper body without involving the legs; the second – activates only the lower body; the third – combines the work of the entire body.

ABS training – a basic set of exercises

ABS training helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, buttocks and spine, reduce body fat and the “tire” around the waist, improve fitness, and even increase immunity.

A standard workout program consists of a warm-up, stretching and stretching. As part of the warm-up, running (interval running, trotting, running with high knee lift) and skipping will be the best. In the gym, a treadmill is the best choice. The duration of the warm-up is between 5 and 7 minutes. Once you’ve warmed up, you can move on to the actual workout portion, which includes:

– classic twists;

– reverse push-ups;

– Diagonal twists;

– Knee lifts to the chest;

– side plank;

– classic plank.

All exercises are performed in 3-4 series of 10 repetitions. As you build muscle mass and improve body parameters, you should increase your exercise to avoid stagnant training.

After its completion, it is recommended to perform stretching exercises. Stretching loosens warmed-up muscles, removes tension, improves posture and makes joints and ligaments more flexible. Skipping this step can cause you painful muscle aches. As part of stretching, you can do a hang on a bar or stretch on a mat, doing twists and lunges.

ABS workout – pros and cons

On the one hand, ABS training is great for developing the external and deep abdominal muscles, helping you achieve the perfect abdominal sculpture, and with the right diet – to unveil your dream radiator. It’s safe for those who suffer from herniated discs, spinal curvature and nerve endings compression.

On the other hand, ABS training involves only a small group of muscles, so if you want comprehensive development, you need to supplement it with additional exercises for other parts of the muscles. ABS is also not the best option for men with a large “tire”, and this is because working on the problem area alone will not solve the problem.

Main photo: Li Sun/pexels.com

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