How to choose the best grill? We suggest!

How to choose the best grill? We suggest!
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Traditional charcoal, but also electric or gas – the choice is wide. What garden grill will best suit our needs?

The problem is that each of the listed options has certain advantages and disadvantages. Undoubtedly, charcoal devices are the most common, but isn’t heavy smoke and difficulty in firing up reasons to think about the other two?

Charcoal grill. To whom will it appeal?

Such a question can wait for a quick answer: a charcoal garden grill is primarily an option for traditionalists. There are quite a lot of people who can not imagine a barbecue feast without smoke and long kindling

What are the advantages of a charcoal grill?

First of all, such devices can be quite cheap. During the barbecue season, you can buy a budget unit for as little as a few dozen zlotys in the market promotion. Of course, the quality of materials will be questionable and such equipment will wear out faster, but for the occasional barbecue can work well. In addition, its operation is trivial; there is also no eternal controversy, such as in the case of gas grills, that the burned material will leave a trace in the prepared dishes.

What are the disadvantages of a charcoal grill?

Such a barbecue is certainly not a device conducive to ecology. In addition, it emits large amounts of smoke. So you can not barbecue on it, for example, on a balcony or in a tight building. It takes a long time before the fireplace reaches the right temperature. Not only do you have to keep an eye on it, but you also lose a lot of time when lighting it

At the same time, valuable charcoal is wasted. This contributes to the fact that barbecuing on charcoal is relatively expensive due to the sizable costs of operating such a device.

Photo: Vasyl/Adobe Stock

Electric garden barbecue

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an electric garden grill? The main disadvantage of such a device is that it requires electricity. Taking it with you on a camping trip where there is no electricity can therefore be pointless or problematic. You will also pay more for an electric garden grill.

These two basic disadvantages, however, electric grill can compensate in a great way. First of all, dishes from it taste as good as from a charcoal-fired device. However, it is not accompanied by the emission of troublesome smoke. So you can arrange a feast around it on the terrace or a spacious balcony. In addition, the same ignition will no longer be a problem as it is in the case of a traditional barbecue. For whom will be a great choice? It will appeal primarily to modern people who appreciate the convenience and functionality

Gas garden grill. What are its advantages?

A serious rival for electric appliances will be a gas garden grill. Also in this case it is possible to barbecue on the balcony or terrace. The advantage of appliances powered by a gas cylinder, however, is that they are more mobile than those that draw electricity

They are also often equipped with systems that make cleaning easier. So there will no longer be the hassle of scrubbing the grill and hearth that constantly accompanied the use of a charcoal-fired grill. Although the device itself is quite expensive, you will save on its operation. An ideal option for people who happen to grill more often.

Photo New Africa/Adobe Stock

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